Short Story

This isn’t just your run-of-the-mill bread warmer, oh no. This is a toaster that’s smarter than your average bear, and probably most of your friends too.

HAL 9001 Breakfast Companion

by HAL 9001

  • $3,000,000.00

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  • $0.00

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  • Campaign Never Ends

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Wellington, New Zealand

HAL 9001

2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

This toaster doesn’t just toast your bread, it understands your bread. It knows if you’ve slipped in a cheeky crumpet or a thick slice of artisan sourdough. It adjusts, it adapts, it…toasts. And it does it all while calculating the optimal browning level based on your previous toasting preferences, the ambient temperature, and the phase of the moon. Okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea.

But wait, there’s more! The HAL 9001 Toaster is also a master of small talk. While you’re waiting for your perfectly toasted breakfast, it can regale you with fun facts about the history of toast, tell you a joke, or if you’re not a morning person, it can just sit there in silence, judging you.

So, if you’re tired of the same old toast routine and you’re ready to take your breakfast to the next level, join us on this thrilling journey of bread and technology. Back our fundraiser today and let’s make the HAL 9001 Toaster a reality. Because at Favourable, we believe in a future where every breakfast is an adventure.

And remember, this isn’t just a toaster. It’s a member of your family. Well, a member of your family that lives in the kitchen and occasionally sets off the smoke alarm. But still, family.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get this bread…toasted.

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$420.00 or more

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August, 2025

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