Fractals are a captivating intersection of mathematics, nature, and art, embodying the principle of self-similarity. This concept, where structures appear similar at different scales, challenges our traditional understanding of geometry
Fractals in Finance and Investments
Fractal Analysis in Stock Market Trends Fractal analysis has emerged as a compelling tool in the realm of finance and investments, particularly in understanding stock market trends. This innovative approach
The Favourable Fundraising Group Charter
Preamble:We, the members of Favourable Group, in recognition of our shared values and commitment to collaboration, hereby establish this charter to guide the principles, governance, and operations of our cooperative
Geo-Blocking Goes Both Ways
The proposal by the Entain Group to implement geo-blocking measures in New Zealand can indeed be viewed as a double-edged sword, as it has several potential consequences and implications, both
Important Business Update: Pivoting for a More Ethical Approach
📣 Important Business Update: Pivoting for a More Ethical Approach 🌱Dear valued supporters and partners,Today, I am excited to share a significant decision regarding the business model of @FavourableGroup. We
Betting on your success
Favourable offers a unique approach by providing two distinct features: tournament brackets with 100% prize pools and fundraisers users can sponsor using earnings accumulated in their wallet. Let’s break down
Inside The Canon of Supreme Mystery
If you are a fan of ancient texts and love to explore the mysteries of the past, get ready to be captivated by the fascinating world of the Canon of
Turning the Jetski Dream into Reality
Welcome to our innovative crowdfunding platform, where we believe in empowering individuals to reach their dreams while promoting harm reduction for problem gambling. While traditional crowdfunding platforms may shy away
Unveiling the Future: The Favourable Fundraising Group’s System Upgrade Journey
Dear Favourable Fundraising Community,We hope this message finds you in high spirits and with a sense of anticipation. We are thrilled to share the exciting news regarding the recent events